Iridium Suite Software for Independent Sales Represenatives
Shavara is an innovator in the field of medical billing software. Shavara's Iridium Suite Practice Management software is ideal for Independent Sales Representatives to add to their tool bag.
Independent Sales Representatives: are you calling on Oncology pratices? Are you interested in supplimenting your earnings with new commissions?
Are you willing to add these questions to the account profiling you are already doing?
Are you satisfied with your current medical billing process?
Do you create and generate your billing internally or do you contract with a 3rd party service?
What are the biggest challenges to your billing process?
What changes or improvements would you like to see in your medical billing process?
Are you interested in hearing about a Practice Management software that is purpose-built precisely to address and overcome the gaps and vulnerabilities familiar in oncology practices?
Shavara's Sales Contractor Program is the ideal match for you to add incremental commission earnings to compliment your activity.
Iridium Suite, Shavara's Practice Management software, was designed from the ground up to follow a biller’s intuitive workflow. In the process, several stand-alone capabilities emerged with measurable market potential. Shavara is poised to release a suite of 'bolt-on' software applications to compliment the competitive Practice Management marketplace.